Top 50 Musical Artists of All Time by Rolling Stone Magazine
Clicking on this image will link you to the Hangman game. Try to guess the letters of the top 50 Musical Artists of all time. If you guess wrong you get one step closer to danger. This project was done in Javascript and HTML.
Clicking on this image will link you to the Hangman game. Try to guess the letters of the top 50 Musical Artists of all time. If you guess wrong you get one step closer to danger. This project was done in Javascript and HTML.
Side Effects of RX Drugs
This Actionscript project gives you an idea of the side effects of prescription drugs. Click on the image and it will begin the animation. Then hover over a few of the pills and it will give you a list of the side effects. At the bottom it shows click here so click on the word here for further information and it will open a new window and go to to get all the facts.
This Actionscript project gives you an idea of the side effects of prescription drugs. Click on the image and it will begin the animation. Then hover over a few of the pills and it will give you a list of the side effects. At the bottom it shows click here so click on the word here for further information and it will open a new window and go to to get all the facts.